Swap Shop

Want to sell something here?

Please contact Becky Taylor  if you have something you wish to offer in our Swap Shop. Listings are FREE to members.

Remember our sponsors

Please remember our Sponsors who support the club and some provide discounts on their products to club members.

For Sale Polaris RZR Roof and 1/2 Windshield fits most years up to 2014. $150  on roof. $35 on 1/2 windshield or best offer. 
Call 509-701-7928.

For Sale Polaris RZR take off tires less than 100 miles on them, Size 2- 26x9x12 rear and 2-26x8x12 front. $325

Call Jim at (509-981-5382)

TRAEGER GRILL model TFB29PLB (pellet fired grill) Comes with cover & cookbook. Used very little. $375 OBO. 208-920-3773

WANTED: 2 up 4 wheeler 570cc or bigger 

Looking to buy a  2 up 4 wheeler 570cc or bigger and  only a couple of years old. If anyone in the club is selling one let me know and I will pass on the information. Thank you. If you know of a machine that fits this description, please let Dave know at: delyda19@gmail.com